Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Old Places

Yesterday I went out to take some photos of a few old abandoned houses I had seen when driving around. The two that I saw had been wrecked pretty bad by people stripping the copper pipes out of them to sell. I didn't find anything worth photographing in those places so I took a few back roads home that I had never dirven before. I ended up finding three more abandoned houses and one old barn that was full of old crap. It was pretty cool in the barn, the other houses were not that impresive though. I wanted to focus on textures, colors, and lines when looking for photos yesterday and thought a few of my photos turned out pretty good. Here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Lst week Madeline and I went out for some photos. She really like the costume she had for her last show and wanted a few photos in it. We ended up shooting inside the U of U Library because it was so cold outside. We walked all around and found some pretty cool spots for photos. Here are a few of my favorites.