Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Last friday was a pretty cool day I must admit. After several years of school I finaly graduated from the University of Utah with my BFA. I wanted to go to the big commencment in the morning but had a job interview, not sure about the position though.
My family came up in the afternoon and we had an enjoyable lunch at the Cheesecake Factory here in SLC. Thanks Papa and Steve! After lunch we came back to Candee and I's place for about an hour to digest and take a few photos.
I had heard that a lot of students dress up their cap and gowns for the College of Fine Art Convocation and thought I'd do the same. I got a stole of gratitude to give to Candee for all the great stuff she has done for me while I have been in school and decorated it up. I had a pretty cool idea and was pleased at how it turned out. It took me about four and a half hours to draw and one sharpie marker :) I was hoping that a ton of people would decorate their stuff but there were only a dozen or so that actually did. One girl made her own robe for graduation, even the buttons to button it up with.
So here are a few shots from the day. Thanks every one for coming.

Papa and I

Steve, me, and Mom

Me and some of my college buddies

The Dean and I. He really liked my Stole.

Candee and I after graduation

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