Last week the Ballet West Academy had their final show of the year. It was great to watch all the younger kids dance around, they seemed to have a lot of fun. The older dancers were just as amazing, and we even found out that a couple of them are getting moved up to Ballet West II. That was pretty exciting.
I shot two nights of the performance. I normally am only there for dress rehearsals but this time was asked to come during the actual show and sit back in the sound booth. It was a little different shooting, I normally get to sit in the seats so I don't have to hold my camera up the entire two hours. The first night I had a tripod to use, thankfully. And I was shooting with a different lens, Canon 70-200 2.8IS L. I think it needs to be calibrated I wasn't the most happy with the results. The second night of shooting I didn't have the tripod so I had to hand hold my camera for the entire shot. I had came from shooting a wedding so I was already a bit tire and by the end of the ballet my back was killing me. I went back to using my Canon 70-200 4.0L and got much better results.
Here are a few of my favorite shots.